I've been speaking to a lot of my married friends lately, and it seems like in the day-to-day lifes we lead, we forget to have fun in marriage.
Think about it, when you were dating, you had to plan fun things to do. You went to the movies, to the beach, to shows and events. You explored new things together. That was part of the fun of dating. That shouldn't stop once you tie the knot.
Once you settle into a routine as a married couple, it's important to keep the excitement factor high. My husband and I live by many nuggets of wisdom, and one of my favorites is to always have something to look forward to as a couple. Not just in traveling, but in every aspect of life. Always have a goal, something you're working toward together. And always celebrate the little things, and celebrate the big accomplishments on a greater scale.
Even if you have to save $10 from each pay period, to save up to get a hotel room for a weekend coming up, male the effort to go away together, to explore and romance one another. The stress of everyday life, and all the responsibilites you have as a couple can really put a damper on romance. It's important to retreat from everyone and everything around you, and to enjoy one another without distractions on a regular basis. Helps you remember why you married that person in the first place.
Travel helps you see one another in a completely new element, and in a new light. Not to mention the incredible memories and little jokes you'll create together. Wes and I can simply mention words like, "grilled lobster," or "Horseshoe Bay Beach," to one another when we're stressed out, and those words take us back to great memories that just the two of us have, even if it's for a few seconds.
Celebrate your marriage, and strengthen your bond through seeing new things together. All God's blessings to all the married couples out there :)
(journal entry from my Shutterfly Site June 2010-password for the site is faith413)
This is a great thing! You make travel exciting and easy. Proceed with you dream. Love U!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this Chrystal. I'm glad you have taken the time to point out and savor the special moments that most of us take for granted. I think this blog will teach others and give a new and positive perspective to the potential of married life and how it can be nurtured and seasoned and exciting. Sheila A
ReplyDeleteHI Chrystal.....greetings from Antigua- Glen and I are very happy to have had you with us- hopefully the next time you will come to Antigua I will get to meet you in person.
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything-Katja